View the progress of construction for the Devon Tower in Oklahoma City, OK.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Construction Progress of Devon Tower 12/09/2010
The floors keep adding up. The tower cranes are at about 500 feet AGL. The tower itself is a little more than 400 feet AGL. The data center on the west side is as tall as the 10 story parking garage located immediately north. The rotunda area (the circle looking pyramid structure) or whatever it is being called, is about half way framed in steel.
Interesting. Was watching the cranes while showing at the arts festival this past April. My son just got a job here so will be watching the progress with great interest. Thank you for the blog.
Interesting. Was watching the cranes while showing at the arts festival this past April. My son just got a job here so will be watching the progress with great interest. Thank you for the blog.